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一、 项目概况












案深化(扩初深度)的全部设计工作;概念阶段确立总体风格并提供符合项目定位的设计成果,样板区设计阶段提供样板区所需布局、色彩、材料、陈设品等效果,方案阶段对概念进行深化设计即完善室内空间布局和平面设计图,扩初设计阶段提供招标图纸(设计标准要求符合凯悦臻选酒店技术标准,图纸深度符合用于指导施工图设计,提交主要图纸和初步方案及规格明细手册,包括FF&E、材料和饰面等),在施工图阶段, 指导和协调业主指定的施工图设计单位进行施工图设计,并审核由当地设计院绘制提交的图纸。如有需要,补充细节图纸辅助说明,以确保其能正确反映设计意图;配合施工单位现场施工服务工作。
















2、 报名成功后,以纸质文件提交(现场或邮寄)报名材料。各机构应于北京时间2020年 12月 6日16时前,将完整的纸质材料提交(可邮寄或现场提交)至杭州市下城区文晖路42号现代置业大厦西楼17楼1706室 谢海宁 13588039506处,并在外包封上标注“机构全称-京杭大运河博物院项目酒店室内设计顾问项目报名材料”,邮寄递交已邮戳时间为准。



第一阶段:报名。自公告发布之日起至2020年 12 月3日 16:00时为报名有效时间。所有纸制报名资料以当地邮戳时间为准。

第二阶段:入围评审。2020年12月8 日(暂定)入围评审。评审委员会根据最终入围单位名单,发放书面入围通知书。










联 系 人:谢海宁 



Hotel Interior Design Consultant of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Museum ProjectTender Announcement

One. Project Overview

The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Museum project was designed by Herzog and De Meuron. The concept deepening has been completed, and has entered schematic design phase. The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Museum mainly includes a museum, an international cultural exchange center, and a hotel. It has been determined that the hotel brand in the project is "Hyatt Select", and the hotel particularly emphasizes the cultural and unique decoration style. In addition to meeting the requirements of hotel quality and positioning (super five-star), rich experience in hotel design with cultural characteristics and the ability to cooperate and cooperate with world-class firms are required for hotel interior design consultants.

Two. Project description

1. Project name: Hotel interior design consultant for the BeijingHangzhou Grand Canal Museum project

2. Bidding method: open international bidding

3. Bidding content: select some interior design consultants for hotels except for the catering part

4. Design scope: mainly including but not limited to public areas such as the entrance lobby, sky lobby, guest rooms, gymnasium, banquet hall, etc. on the first floor;

5. Service content:

5.1. From the overall architectural plan design of the project to the construction drawing design stage, cooperate with HdM, wine management company, domestic coordination institute and related special consultants (structure, electromechanical, landscape, etc.) to improve the architectural circulation, functional layout for the hotel.

5.2. Carry out the interior design of the hotel, complete all the design work from the interior concept design to the preliminary schematic design; establish the overall style in the concept phase and provide the design results that meet the project positioning, and provide the sample area in the model area design phase Layout, color, materials, furnishings and other effects, deepen the design of the concept at the plan stage, that is, improve the interior space layout and graphic design drawings, and provide bidding drawings at the initial design stage (the design standard requirements meet the technical standards of Hyatt Select Hotel, and the depth of the drawings It is used to guide the design of construction drawings, submit the main drawings and preliminary plans and specification manuals, including FF&E, materials and finishes, etc.), in the construction drawing stage, guide and coordinate the construction drawing design unit designated by the owner to carry out the construction drawing design, and Review the drawings submitted by the local design institute. Provide detailed drawings to ensure that it can accurately reflect the design intent; cooperate with the construction unit on-site construction service work if necessary.

5.3. Responsible for the design docking, coordination and overall planning between various special consultants related to interior design (including but not limited to brands, artworks, lighting, etc.) and related design subjects.

5.4. Construction review cooperation: assist the owner to respond to questions raised by customers, related consultants, manufacturers or construction units, review on-site sample production, guide the construction of on-site model houses, and assist in preparing the completion acceptance form and on-site problem list when the constructor completes the construction , And regularly inspect the construction site during the construction period, and provide inspection reports. Assist the owner to check and accept the final decoration results.

5.5. Regularly participate in various design meetings and coordination meetings.

6. Design cycle 540 days, including 240 days for architectural coordination, 180 days for plan design, and 120 days for preliminary design.

Three. Qualification Requirements for the Applicant Unit

(1) Domestic or overseas institutions registered within or outside the People's Republic of China, capable of independently assuming civil liabilities, and capable of serving this project, including corporate legal persons and other organizations;

(2) Institutions outside the People’s Republic of China and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions (design, consulting) must have a legal business or design license in their country or region, and the project leader and project manager must participate in the design work (plan design, plan report) ;

(3) Performance requirements: Hotel interior design consultants are required to have experience in international five-star hotel interior design services in China. (It is better to have a "Hyatt Select" hotel brand or a hotel brand of the same level)

(4) Consortium is not allowed in this project.

Four. Registration method and submission of registration documents

1. All registration units must scan the following QR code or link to fill in relevant registration information before the registration deadline at 16:00 on December 3, 2020. After the registration is successful, you will receive the "Guidelines for Preparation of Registration Documents", which the agency will send by mail, please check it in time.


2. After the registration is successful, the registration materials should be submitted (on-site or by mail) in paper documents. Institutions should submit complete paper materials (by mail or onsite) to Xie Haining 13588039506, Room 1706, 17th Floor, West Building, Modern Real Estate Building, No. 42 Wenhui Road, Xiacheng District, Hangzhou before 16:00 on December 6, 2020 Beijing time. Marked "the institution's full name-BeijingHangzhou Grand Canal Museum project hotel interior design consultant project registration materials" on the outsourcing envelope. The postmarked time for submission by mail shall prevail.

3. This registration is subject to the receipt of paper documents, and late submission of registration materials will not be accepted. (In case of the epidemic or any other irresistible reasons, the application materials cannot be delivered within the specified time, contact the agency and find another solution.)

Five. Schedule

The first stage: registration

Registration is valid from the date of announcement to 16:00 on December 3, 2020. All paper registration materials are subject to the local postmark time.

The second stage: shortlisted review.

On December 8, 2020 (tentative), shortlisted for judging. The review committee will issue a written notification of the finalists based on the list of finalists. The evalsuation committee first conducts a compliance review of each applicant based on the "application information"; for applicants that meet the "qualification requirements" 3 or more and 9 (inclusive) all shortlisted, for the "qualification requirements", 9 applicants The above is determined by the review committee based on "Unit Introduction", "Hotel Brand Experience", "Comprehensive Strength of Project Leader", "Comprehensive Strength of Project Manager", "Case of Cooperation with Internationally Well-known Firms", "Proposed Team Members", After comprehensive evalsuation of awards and awards, no less than 9 domestic and overseas high-level units will be selected in the final selection.

The third stage: the bidding stage.

The shortlisted bidders shall submit the bidding documents for expert review within the specified time and determine the list of winning candidates.

Six. Others

Correspondence and documents involved in this bidding shall be written in Chinese or in both Chinese and English, with Chinese as the main language.

Seven. Contact Information

Tenderee: Hangzhou Canal Comprehensive Protection Development and Construction Group Co., Ltd.

Contact: Mr Gu  

Contact number: 0571-87217325, 13588788620

Agency: Zhejiang Complete Tendering Agency Co., Ltd.

Contact person: Xie Haining 0571-87631113, 13588039506

Room 1706, 17th Floor, West Building, Modern Property Building, No.42 Wenhui Road, Xiacheng District, Hangzhou